Staten Island‐Brooklyn Mobility Enhancement Project

Staten Island, NY

Project Objective:
Evaluate Benefits of Introducing a Transit Signal Priority System

As a part of the Staten Island Brooklyn Mobility Enhancement Project, a Transit Signal Priority (TSP) system for buses is going to be deployed along a busy 1.5‐ mile segment of roadway terminating at the St. George Ferry Terminal. KLD Associates is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed priority system using microscopic simulation. This involves the construction of an existing network to accurately model the behavior of buses and other traffic, and subsequently a second network with the TSP capabilities represented.

The WATSim simulation software is capable of imitating the specific TSP features to be deployed and of sending buses into the network according to the real world schedule. The “before” and “after” scenarios are to be compared by comparing Measures of Effectiveness, such as travel time and delay time for both the buses and other traffic. This task was completed as part of an Engineering Services Agreement (ESA) held by GPI.

3D Simulation – Victory Boulevard and Bay Street Intersection