This project expanded NYCDOT’s deployment of the Adaptive Control Decision Support System (ACDSS) by installing at 6 sites on Staten Island. Each of the sites has its own operational challenges. The objective was to respond to fluctuating traffic patterns while considering geometric constraints.
Five of the 6 sites are diamond interchanges, therefore a new diamond interchange module was added to the ACDSS algorithm repository. The primary objective of diamond interchange adaptive control is to ensure that queues do not block the common approach and spill back into the intersections.
KLD tested the algorithms for a wide range of virtual traffic conditions in a simulation model. Following detector installation and integration, the testing continued with live data and the adaptive recommendations were sent to a test controller via NYCDOT’s centralized Traffic Control System. The signal timing recommendations were then implemented and the results monitored.
With the number of intersections included in the ACDSS increasing, KLD is able to monitor the large number of detectors and signal timing modifications for each installation by utilizing numerous “dashboards”, summarizing the results and patterns.